Saturday, May 23, 2009

where is your mind??

It was really interesting to see that video, that man can catch everybody’s attention… his speech is absolutely awesome, and all the audience was kind of eager about the things and also the jokes hi was saying.
But obviously the most important thing was the topics that he was trying to express. This man talks about “creativity” like an important gift for humans, and how it is disappearing day a day… and… the worst thing is that this is happening because of our fault. We are not letting children think, being originals, or just being themselves.
Children are not being encouraged to use or to stimulate their creativity; they just do what others tell them to do. I think that if this keeps this way, it can block our society in terms of discovering new things to improve the world. We cannot expect everybody to think the same way. Everybody knows we have different ways of seeing the world, and those differences can make the world special for everybody … why? Because if we use our minds without any intervention we would be ourselves… and I think that anybody has the right to make us different or to take part of our minds.

Robinson, Ken. "Schools kill creativity", TED. Filmed February 2006, posted June 2006.


  1. That is so true... children are mostly encouraged to study certain things which don't allow them to be creative.Also, parents usually avoid arts,music, dance, etc. My boyfriend loves music and art, and even though his parents support him, he knows he won't get much money once he is done with school. But, as long as he is happy, the rest comes into place.

  2. Marce! wow, I hope everyone had the attitude of Mr. Robinson! that guy is great!!! he makes you see how bad is the education nowadays, killing the creativity and making the students do and learn things that are absolutelly unnecesary for them!. Well, we have to start changing that! ;D
