Friday, May 15, 2009

Alcohol price controls would save lives...

I have read a new about reducing the alcohol’s price, because it is suppose that in the case of doing that, the alcohol would turn unpopular. What would be excellent is that the hospital’s admission would be also affected in terms of reducing it too. Most people spend a big percentage of their salary to drink and that cause health problems, accidents, families are affected with their problem and so on.
Something that concerned while reading the article at the first time was that supermarkets do not agree about increasing the alcohol’s prices and their argument was that reducing prices won’t change their situation. Although I think that they just care about earning money, I think that they are right in a way. Alcoholic people have a problem that I believe that this solution is not the best one. They have a problem which consist in an addiction.


  1. Hi marceliiistica!

    In fact, people have to realize that this problem is not about money, I mean, people who are alcoholic will not think about the prize of the alcohol, they just will make more efforts to get the money. So, the authorities should help people giving them the opportunity to take medical treatments.


    See you!

  2. I don't see how can reducing prices could help addicted... probably it's just another excuse to sell more and faster, who knows!
    Interesting post!

  3. Hi Marce,

    Certainly, authorities must start by the treatment of the addiction instead of paying attention to how much an alcoholic could pay for get a drink.

    Good post!
