Monday, March 30, 2009

Standing poor manners...

Poor manners come every day in everyone’s life, we are always complaining about things that we do, and things that other people usually do. But one thing that constantly drives me crazy is when someone throws litter in the streets; I think that this is too annoying to me for the reason that when I was in Scouts I’d learnt to keep the environment so, I usually put the garbage in the bins and so on...
Another thing that is too annoying, it’s when you are trying to get to the bus or the subway and people don`t let you get in… that`s always happening to me I think that it is for the reason that I am too short, although I say excuse me to the others, it’s really hard to get out of it, and they usually ignore me…(that sounds sad hahaha)
Something that I cannot ignore is that I really hate when you are walking and people don`t let you walk, so you have to move. Usually senior citizens take advantage of that and young people have to deal with it… I’m not saying that they have to move to let you walk, but the thing is that sometime you can notice that they just do that because of they are rude …
.... but what are we doing to change this??
I just think that we must try to put ourselves in the others shoes… in that way you are going to be able to think regarding how you feel when you live those situations, and how they feel when YOU make them live those situations too…

just think about it...

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

bullyin... bullying... bullying... what about us?!!

I was happy when I read that schools are implementing anti-bullying strategy to start solving that problem, but I strongly think that this strategy may help with it, but not in terms of everything, because this comes not just in school, what is worst, sometimes this problem comes from home. I think that not only the child who is attacked is going to need medical help, since the one who is bothering has problems too, and actually in that case, their parents need advice as well as their children do (as I said)…

So if we start from them this can be solved from the root of the problem and may help in a better way… don’t you think??

It´s too tragic when someone receives reprimand, for the reason that this is not a joke, in the future… and it depends on the person… you could be aware (or not) of the result that this produces… so this can affect the future life of many people if we don’t stop with it…

Let’s change the world!!!...

We can wait seeing how this is increasing day a day. and waiting to others start changing this, we must start by ourselves …from now!!… Above all if we are going to be teachers, we should be strict about that…

I don’t what my children to deal with this… and if they have to, I want them to know how

Well, I suppose this was enough for today… perhaps I was too enthusiastic XD… don’t you prefer that?? Just try and think about it…

See you!!!

Ceri, Barry. Experts look to reduce bullying, BBC News, Friday, 20th March 2009, Online, Monday, 23rd March 2009.

Saturday, March 21, 2009

Let’s start… well, actually it is hard to me when you have to write things that everybody are supposed to read… why?… because I am not into writing, specially for those ones who don’t really know me pretty well and that are going to read (I am not sure if you get the idea, I hope so). The thing is that you don`t know what to write…specially now, because this is my first blog

Well, I`am Marcela I live in Rengo but when studying I live with my aunt and uncle here in Santiago. They are very nice with me, so living with them has been pleasing enough.

To make this easier, I would like to write about the things that I usually do during vacations, or just during my free time (that I used to have… :P). The things that I most enjoy doing are (as some of you have heard before) seeing movies and obviously, listening to music (most of the time) and I draw at times in fact, other than that request too much time, therefore I can’t do that very often, and I would like to. To continue, those ones make my life great and enjoyable, I love to see some series to, such as “One Tree Hill”, “Friends” and “Lost” …. Ohhhhh lost! That one makes me crazy!! It is too weird!! I just don’t know how to explain, maybe this can help in a way “XD” *O*!!!

Nevertheless now I am completely nervous and anxious, for the reason that
this Friday I´m going to Radiohead`s concert!!!!!!!!! I`ve been waiting for this incredible experience since I was 10, so… can you imagine how I feel?!! I think so…

I hope to know something about you…. And you know… questions are welcome!!

See you during the week
Take care.
