Saturday, March 21, 2009

Let’s start… well, actually it is hard to me when you have to write things that everybody are supposed to read… why?… because I am not into writing, specially for those ones who don’t really know me pretty well and that are going to read (I am not sure if you get the idea, I hope so). The thing is that you don`t know what to write…specially now, because this is my first blog

Well, I`am Marcela I live in Rengo but when studying I live with my aunt and uncle here in Santiago. They are very nice with me, so living with them has been pleasing enough.

To make this easier, I would like to write about the things that I usually do during vacations, or just during my free time (that I used to have… :P). The things that I most enjoy doing are (as some of you have heard before) seeing movies and obviously, listening to music (most of the time) and I draw at times in fact, other than that request too much time, therefore I can’t do that very often, and I would like to. To continue, those ones make my life great and enjoyable, I love to see some series to, such as “One Tree Hill”, “Friends” and “Lost” …. Ohhhhh lost! That one makes me crazy!! It is too weird!! I just don’t know how to explain, maybe this can help in a way “XD” *O*!!!

Nevertheless now I am completely nervous and anxious, for the reason that
this Friday I´m going to Radiohead`s concert!!!!!!!!! I`ve been waiting for this incredible experience since I was 10, so… can you imagine how I feel?!! I think so…

I hope to know something about you…. And you know… questions are welcome!!

See you during the week
Take care.



  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I didn't mean to erase it!!! it was an accident!!!
    Well, I I just said I'm going to Radiohead on thurdsday and that I'm glad you like them, they're awesome! I loved it when I heard they moved the place because it's closer to my home, although the sound isn't the same as in Sn. Carlos...but who careeees!!!!

  3. really?!!!!! awesome!!! so, you will see them before... you are so lucky
    hahahaa, well, so next week we will comment everything...

    I CAN´T WAIT!!!!!!

  4. Ohhhhh, how lucky you both are, I wanted to go to radiohead concert, but the tickets left were too expensive. Well, I already have enough money to have gone to the concert, but I Would spend almost all my money on it, and it is not the idea.

    i just had to listen to the post-show on rock-and-pop radio. I envy you.

    Take care, good luck, see you.
